
So much to LEARN!

At the moment I'm in the process of teaching myself how to draw... and... be able to scan it into photoshop and add texture and coloring. Here my Bonsai tree got some green and a drop shadow. Yikes.. I got a long ways to go.


first words:

For the first time since Somethinography's inception... I write something. The two month hiatus from photography, editing, and posting has been part new busy life and new crazy project ideas. While my skills and know-how in the photography world are still EXTREMELY amateur, my appetite in the design world has consumed me... or should I say consumed my 15 minutes of free time.

What does this all mean?? As Somethinography has been a gallery for my developing artistic-ish-ness as I've been learning me photography, the future artistic-ish-ness shared will expand to design, illustration, and photography projects. Because much of my time is being spent learning to illustrate and design... posting will come, but perhaps in the beginning, slowly. Future posting will include in-progress pieces of projects, what I'm currently learning, and the many things that spark my fire.

Welcome back to Somethinography.

<<((p.s. big changes are in the making for the blog.. new name(maybe), new look, gotta match the new content!))>>

something... anything...



